brain health foods

Best foods for Brain Health

Jan 13, 2023, 7:52:23 AM

Best foods for Brain Health

For becoming active in a work meeting or boosting your nutritional values during exam time, you can pay full attention to your diet.

However, occurrences of various harmful disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’ cannot be protected by simply using brain foods, but people can improve their general mood and cognitive health by using some sort of healthy brain foods.

For enhancing concentration, memory, and focus, many people can consume the following brain-boosting food items daily.

1.     Wholegrains

Like every other organ in the body, the brain also requires energy for proper functioning. People can improve their attention and concentration span by improving their energy level, and glucose is the source of providing energy to their brain.

Our brain gets immediate energy if glucose dissolves in our bloodstream. Whole grains have a low level of GI, which shows that they release their energy very gradually into the blood by keeping the people mentally aware all day.

People may experience irritability when they consume very less amount of carbs in their daily routine. So, people should start taking brown wholegrain, granary bread, cereals, pasta and brown rice.

2.     Oily fish

The human body cannot make all the essential fatty acids by itself, so for fulfilling the need for these fatty acids, an external source is required.

Oily fish is a good natural source of omega-3 fats present in the form of DHA and EPA. Pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, walnuts and soya beans are some other sources of getting these essential fatty acids.

3.     Blueberries

Short-term memory loss can be delayed and improved by making blueberries part of your diet. Red cabbage and dark red fruits such as blackberries are some other sources of getting the similar result of blueberries because these fruits and vegetables contain anthocyanins, which are the same protective elements present in blueberries.

4.     Tomatoes

An antioxidant called lycopene, present in tomatoes can improve the symptoms of dementia as well as Alzheimer’s disorders by protecting the damage of cells from free radicals found in cells.

5.     Eggs

For improving your general mental health, you can consume eggs daily. However, folic acid and some B vitamins such as B12 and B6 present in eggs are beneficial for decreasing the level of homocysteine present in the blood of people.

6.     Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are enriched with zinc which is a very vital and valuable mineral for augmenting the thinking and memory skills of individuals.

These seeds also comprise a chemical named tryptophan which is the precursor of serotonin, a good mood stimulating chemical. B vitamins and magnesium are also found in these seeds; this compound helps in relieving mental stress.

7.     Broccoli

Broccoli is enriched with compounds known as glucosinolates, which improves the memory and functionality of the central nervous system by reducing the breakdown of acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter). Vitamin K present in broccoli enhances brain power and cognitive functioning.

8.     Nuts

Along with olives, eggs, leafy green vegetables, whole grains and brown rice, there is another source of getting vitamin E, which are nuts.

A study showed that vitamin E is beneficial for preventing cognitive decline in the elderly population.

The importance of exercise

Along with having a healthy diet, people should also start exercising daily for boosting the functionality of their brains.

According to research evidence, exercising is helpful for improving the mental speed and mental maturity of many people.

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