Fish Oil: Benefits and Side Effects

Jan 13, 2023, 7:51:55 AM

Fish Oil: Benefits and Side Effects

The source of omega-3 fatty acids is omega three fish oil. These omega-3 fatty acids are a major requirement of the body for various functions such as cell growth and muscular activity.

Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be produced in the body naturally. Hence, they are obtained through dietary sources.

The types of omega-3 fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are found in fish oil.

Other dietary sources of these two fatty acids EPA and DHA are some seeds, nuts, fatty fish, including trout, salmon, shellfish, crabs, mussels, and oysters.

Another kind of omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) can be obtained through vegetable oils.

Fish oil supplements are available in pill, capsule, or liquid form. Fish oil supplements are widely taken across the globe due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Dosage of fish oil

It is recommended not to exceed 3g of DHA and EPA combined in a day by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

It is also suggested to take a maximum of 2g per day using dietary supplements. High doses can be effective in decreasing triglycerides, but it is better to seek a doctor’s guidance before taking them.

Health Benefits of Omega 3 fish oil

Fish oil has a lot to offer. Following are some other benefits of this amazing fish oil.

1.     Fish oil tablets for arthritis and autoimmune Diseases

Fish oil has been used to treat different health conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis.

Fish oil has been found to reduce symptoms related to this disease, such as swollen joints, joint tenderness, and stiffness.

It can also target the cardiovascular risk factors associated with rheumatoid arthritis, such as the risk of cardiac arrest.

As per Arthritis Foundation, fish oil can serve for other conditions as well:

  • Psoriasis
  • Lupus
  • Raynaud’s syndrome
  • Knee osteoarthritis

2.     Krill oil for Heart Health

Fish oil has not been proved to prevent a heart attack, although studies have indicated that it may reduce the risk factors related to stroke or cardiac arrest, which are:

  • Reducing the levels of triglycerides
  • Decreasing abnormal heart rhythms
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Slowing the hardening of arteries called atherosclerosis
  • Increasing the level of good cholesterol HDL

A type of fish oil called Lovaza is typically recommended by doctors in the case of high levels of triglycerides in the body, which in turn can increase the risk of heart diseases.

Prescribed fish oil supplements are way better than non-prescribed supplements because the former contains purified fish oil accompanied by high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

3.     Omega 3 fatty acids for Mental Health

Studies have indicated that fish oil containing high levels of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial in the treatment of depression.

Further epidemiological studies suggested that imbalances or low levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids could increase the risk of depression.

Some small studies have added to this knowledge that fish oil could provide support along with antidepressant therapy in depression treatment.

Best fish oil

One of the best fish oils are

  • Seven seas cod liver oil
  • Seacod cod liver oil

Side Effects of Cod liver oil

There could be some possible side effects of these supplements when taken in large amounts that are exceeding 3g in a day. It is highly recommended to seek a doctor’s advice before using fish oil supplements regarding the correct amount of dosage based on your needs.

Following are some common side effects:

  • Abdominal pains
  • Diahhrea
  • Nausea
  • Fish burbs (aftertaste)
  • Heartburn

High doses can cause some detrimental effects on your body, such as diminishing immunity against infections, slowing down blood clotting, and high risk of bleeding, especially if you are already on anticoagulants (blood thinner) like Plavix or Coumadin.

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