gain lean muscle mass

How to Gain Lean Muscle Mass?

Jan 13, 2023, 7:52:24 AM

How to Gain Lean Muscle Mass?

There are physical fitness related, aesthetic and metabolic benefits of maximizing lean body mass. Exercise is the foundation for lean body mass buildup.

People require more calories when they are building their muscles because more positive energy is the requirement of lean mass buildup. It is estimated that almost 2,800 calories are required for building a pound of muscle.

These calories are necessary for providing strong support to the protein present in muscles. However, these calories can be maintained after getting proper workout training.

Following tips can help you with your quick and efficient muscular build up.

1.     Eat breakfast for muscle mass

A healthy and strong breakfast is beneficial for giving you an adequate amount of energy and a feeling of fullness until your next mealtime. For building your muscular mass, a healthy breakfast containing smoothies, cottage cheese, and omelettes is very necessary.

1.     Eat something healthy every three hours

People should carefully analyze the time of their food consumption if they really want to gain muscular strength. You should have smaller meals after every few hours for having a proper muscular build up because if people eat too much during their one main course then they feel full and they will not want to take next meal which is not good for their muscular strength. It also results in a reduction in their stomach size. So, try to eat a small meal after every three hours to get better strength.

2.     Eat protein

For maintaining and building muscle, protein is the key requirement. For this purpose, 1g of protein is the average requirement per 454g of body mass. It shows that those people who have 91kg mass then 200g per day is the average requirement for them. In order to fulfil this requirement, you should eat a whole protein source with your every meal.

3.     Eat fresh fruit and vegetables

Get low-calorie vegetables and fruit with each meal. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of multi-vitamins, antioxidants, fibers and minerals, which aids in the digestion process, but be cautious about some fruits because they may have higher sugar content.

4.     Eat carbs only after your workout

Many people consume plenty of carbs, which are not even the requirement of their body. Individuals should reduce the level of carbs they take, and these carbohydrates should be consumed only after a workout only.

  • Except raisins, corn and carrots, all other whole grains contain maximum carbs.
  • Eat only those whole grains which have fewer carbohydrates.
  • Try to add those fruits and vegetables to your meals that contain few carbs.
  • Get rid of white carbs and take only brown carbs after a workout, as per your needs.

5.     Eat healthy fats

Avoid the intake of margarine and artificial trans-fats and consume only healthy fats with each meal because they regulate overall health and fat loss, as they have a slow digestion process.

6.     Drink enough water

Workout can result in sweating, which is the source of dehydration. Resultantly it affects your muscular buildup.

Drinking plenty of water has two benefits, it aids in recovering dehydration and increasing your hunger as well. Hence, more hunger results in intake of more healthy food, which leads to more lean muscular build up.

7.     Eat whole foods

If you really want to get better results, then 90% of your whole foods should be part of your every meal. Whole foods are unprocessed foods.

Processed food items are harmful to your body because processed foods comprise corn syrup, nitrates, added sugars, bagels, frozen meals, cookies, sodium and trans-fats etc.

So, unrefined and unprocessed whole foods are very beneficial for your muscular build up because many vegetables, fruit, fresh meat, brown rice and oats are examples of whole foods.

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