Category - Hair Loss Supplements

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Is your hair being affected because of your diet? You could be at risk of hair loss if you do not have enough of the important vitamins and minerals. 

Find out what supplements you can get from and make sure you consult with a doctor before taking a supplement. As far as vitamins are concerned, more is not better, and too much can be harmful sometimes.

Hair fall cause

The causes of hair loss are;

·  Hormonal changes

·  Genetics

·  Medical conditions

·  Ageing

·  Use of wrong hair care products 

Biotin shampoo for hair loss

For cells inside your body, vitamin B7, known as Biotin, is essential. Low levels of vitamin b7 can result in hair loss, skin rashes, and broken nails. You can have low levels of this vitamin in the following cases:

·   If you are pregnant or a breastfeeding mother.

·   Intake of epilepsy drugs or certain antibiotics.

Hair loss vitamins

1.  Iron for hair loss

To carry oxygen all around the body, red blood cells need iron. Low levels can lead to iron deficiency or anemia. Symptoms of iron deficiency include pale skin, hair loss and fatigue.

You can be at risk for iron deficiency in the following cases: 

·   Women who have a heavy bleeding cycle at the time of the month

·   Vegan diet or vegetation person

·   Suffer from a chronic disease

2.  Zinc

Zinc will play a key role in the production of protein in the other cells and your hair. Your body cannot produce this, so to have an intake of zinc, you have to take it from supplements or iron-enriched foods. Signs of low zinc include the loss of hair, poor cure of the wound and a bad taste or smell.

You might have low levels of zinc if you have the following:

·    Breastfeeding mother or pregnant woman.

·    Suffer from a kidney disease

·    Severe diarrhea or bowel disease

Hair care Tips

Regular washing with best hair loss shampoo 

Everyday washing of hair may help protect the scalp from hair loss. A light shampoo is a secret. High-quality formulas can dry hair and cause hair loss. Buy the best shampoo for hair fall, which contains effective and safe ingredients. 

Oil best for hair growth 

·       Coconut oil

From a study analysis in 2018, researchers conclude that coconut oil can help avoid hair damage from ultraviolet (UV) light exposure and grooming. Lauric acid contained in coconut oil helps bind protein in the hair and protects against root and strand breakage. Massaging coconut oil in the scalp will help improve blood flow and contribute to the growth of hair.

·  Olive oil

Olive oil is a great deep conditioner that helps to protect hair from dryness and associated breakage. The Mediterranean diet also uses olive oil as a key ingredient that can slow down the loss of genetic hair. Consider using a few olive oil tablespoons to the hair and allowing it to sit in the hair for 30 minutes before washing.

Gentle styling 

Avoid tight ponytails and braids that can pull your hair from the root, leading to unnecessary loss of hair. Allow your hair to dry up, as you are, to prevent your scalp from irritating. Heat stylers can also harm or split the hair shaft, including curling or straightening iron.

Hair processing when you have hair fall 

Chemical treatments such as hair color or perms can also damage hair and scalp. Please ask your stylist for alternatives such as organic hair colors and without ammonia, peroxide, or para-phenylenediamine (PPD).

Serum for hair growth

If you have a problem with hair loss, then you should use the serum for hair growth. The serum contains active ingredients, and it will help to regrow your hair. 

Thinning hair

You can treat your thin hair with the best hair care products such as shampoo, conditioners, and hair serums. You should choose the hair care products according to your scalp type. 

Hair fall treatment

Hair loss treatment may include medication, surgery or also natural remedies. In medication, the doctor will prescribe you different medicine such as Minoxidil and Finasteride. You should take the medicines after asking your doctor. 

Hair transplant surgery for hair growth and laser therapy is also used in severe conditions like baldness.