Types Of Vitamins Abcd - صيدلية الحياة في الإمارات - توصيل الصيدلية عبر الإنترنت في 30 دقيقة

types of vitamins abcd

Types of Vitamins &The ABCDs of Vitamins

Jun 6, 2023, 8:30:34 AM

Types of Vitamins &The ABCDs of Vitamins

Vitamins are essential organic substances, additionally, vitamins are present in an adequate amount in natural food and supplements.

Deficiency of any vitamin can lead to many different health problems, therefore everyone should take the essential vitamins through diet.

Types of Vitamins

There are two types of vitamins;

1.     Fat-soluble vitamins

There are four vitamins including fat-soluble vitamins namely Vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and fatty tissues of the body for many days and months. 

2.     Water-Soluble Vitamins

There are two types of water-soluble vitamins are present namely vitamins B and C.

These vitamins cannot store in the body for a long time hence leave the body through urine.

Consequently, many people are deficient in these vitamins and need more vitamin B and C through diet or supplements. 

Vitamin A

The chemical names of Vitamin A include retinal, four carotenoids, even beta carotene, and retinol. 

Vitamin A is also a fat-soluble vitamin and It helps in eye health. 

Deficiency of Vitamin A

Deficiency of Vitamin A leads to keratomalacia, so it means that the invisible outer layer present in the eye becomes gritty and cloudy. 

The ABCD of vitamins

Food sources of vitamin A 

It is present in butter, liver, carrots, broccoli, kale, cod liver oil, sweet potatoes, apricots, pumpkins, cantaloupe melon, spinach, collard greens, and a few kinds of cheese, eggs, and milk. 

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B1

Firstly, the chemical name of vitamin A is thiamine and secondly, it is a water-soluble vitamin. Indeed, different enzymes break the blood sugar and vitamin B1 produces these enzymes.


Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome and beriberi may occur due to lack of vitamin B. 

The ABCD of vitamins

Food sources of Vitamin B1

It is present in foods such as brown rice, pork, sunflower seeds, yeast and cereal grains, asparagus, whole grain, kale and rye, oranges, cauliflower, potatoes, liver, and eggs. 

Vitamin B2

Its chemical name is riboflavin and it is water-soluble vitamin.  Food is broken down due to this, and it helps the body cells in their development and growth. 


Lack of vitamin B2 can cause lips inflammation in addition the fissures in the mouth. 

Food sources of Vitamin B2

Vitamin B is abundantly present in foods such as fish, meat, milk, eggs and yogurt, green beans, okra, asparagus, chard and bananas, cottage cheese, and persimmons.

Vitamin B3

Its chemical name is niacin or niacinamide. This vitamin is water-soluble. Niacin is required by the body for cell growth and function. 

Deficiency of Vitamin B3

Deficiency of vitamin B3 in amount can lead to a health condition namely pellagra, which is characterized by skin changes, diarrhea and intestinal disturbances. 

The ABCD of vitamins

Food Sources of Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 is present in foods such as tofu, chicken, beef, tuna, carrots and lentils, nuts, seeds, eggs and salmon, broccoli, milk, tomatoes, and leafy vegetables. 

Vitamin B5

Its chemical name is pantothenic acid and it is water-soluble vitamin. It is required to develop and synthesize hormones and energy. 

Deficiency of Vitamin B5

Lack of this vitamin causes paresthesia which is the sensation of pins and needles. 

Food Sources of Vitamin B5

It is present in foods such as avocados, meats and broccoli, yogurt, and whole grains. 

Vitamin B6

Its chemical name is pyridoxine, pyridoxal or pyridoxamine and it is water-soluble vitamin. So, it is essential to develop red blood cells. 

Deficiency of Vitamin B6

Lack of this vitamin can cause peripheral neuropathy and anemia, so you should take it in adequate amount. 

Food Sources of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is present in foods such as bananas, and chickpeas, squash, beef liver, and nuts. 

Vitamin B12

Its chemical name is hydroxocobalamin, cyanocobalamin also it is known as methylcobalamin and it is a water-soluble vitamin. This vitamin is important to ensure a good nervous system. 


It can cause different health conditions such as anemia and neurological issues. 

The ABCD of vitamins

Food Sources

It is present in vegetables, fruits and dairy products for instance eggs, milk, meat, fish, different dairy items, shellfish, poultry, fortified soy products, fortified cereals and fortified nutritional yeast. 

Vitamin C

The chemical name of this vitamin is ascorbic acid and it is a water-soluble vitamin. So, it helps in developing collagen, wound healing and bone formation.

Also, it leads to enhances the immunity of the immune system, blood vessels, and it aids in the absorption of iron and also works as an antioxidant. 

Deficiency of Vitamin C

Deficiency of Vitamin C can cause a condition namely scurvy that includes fall of the tooth, bleeding gums, weak healing and development of tissue. 

Food sources of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is found in vegetables, and fruit such as strawberries, broccoli, peppers, and potatoes. In fact, vitamin C is demolished due to cooking.

Vitamin D

The chemical name of this vitamin is cholecalciferol additionally it is known as ergocalciferol and it is a fat-soluble vitamin. Hence, mineralization of bone is promoted by this vitamin. 

Deficiency of Vitamin D

Different health conditions can occur due to deficiency of vitamin D such as rickets and osteomalacia, which is increased sponginess of bones.

Vitamin D Foods

Food sources of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is synthesized by the body by direct exposure to UVB rays from the sun on the skin or a variety of other sources.

It is also present in different kinds of food such as beef liver, fatty fish, eggs and mushroom. 

Vitamin E

Its chemical name is tocopherol or it is also known as tocotrienol. This vitamin is fat-soluble. 

Issues for example numerous occurrences of inflammation, a variety of conditions, and oxidative stress is promoted by the antioxidant activity of this vitamin. 

Deficiency of Vitamin E

In newborns, hemolytic anemia occurs, even though it is quite rare. Blood cells are damaged due to this. 

Food sources of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is present in foods such as eggs, wheat germ, nuts, kiwis, leafy greens, almonds and vegetable oils. 

Vitamin K

The chemical name of this vitamin is phylloquinone or menaquinone. Additionally, it is a is fat-soluble vitamin. Blood clotting occurs due to this vitamin. 

Deficiency of Vitamin K

Lack of sufficient amounts of vitamin K can cause serious health conditions such as unnecessary bleeding or it can also cause bleeding diathesis.

The ABCD of vitamins

Food sources of Vitamin K

It is present in different types of food such as leafy greens, parsley, natto, pumpkin and figs. 

Vitamin supplements

In conclusion, people who have a deficiency of vitamins such as vitamin A, B, C, or D should take vitamin supplements for instance;

·         Vit A supplement

It is beneficial for normal immune functioning, as well as the eye health, skin and hair health, and cardiovascular health.

·         Vitamin B Supplement

If your doctor has recommended taking a vitamin B supplement, then you should; otherwise, you cannot take the supplement on your own.

Vitamin B is best for good digestion, nerve functioning, additionally the growth of RBCs.

·         Vitamin C supplement

Vitamin C supplement is also known as ascorbic acid, and it is essential for the growth and development of cells and tissues in the body.

·         Vitamin D supplement

Vitamin D supplement is beneficial to keep the bones, joints, teeth, as well as the muscles strong and healthy. It regulates the amount of phosphate and moreover the amount of calcium in the body. 


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